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Uncovering & Managing Impetigo in Puppies: A Comprehensive Guide

Itchy red skin and patchy fur may indicate that your furry friend has impetigo. Luckily, it is treatable and usually has no long term implcations. Here, our Moreno Valley vets discuss the causes and symptoms of impetigo in puppies and what can be done to help provide your puppy with relief from this incomfortable condition.

Impetigo on Puppies

Impetigo is a superficial bacterial skin infection triggered by staphylococcus (staph) which infects some of the uppermost layers of a dog's skin.

Also referred to as juvenile pustular dermatitis, impetigo is most common in young puppies between the ages of three and six months old. At this young age, a puppy's immune system isn't yet fully developed, which leaves them vulnerable to infections and illnesses that cause an imbalance in the endocrine or immune system.

Some strains of staphylococcus are highly contagious and are resistant to antibiotics, making them difficult to treat. 

Impetigo is not contagious to other dogs. While this infection does spread quickly in children, this is not true for our canine companions. 

What are the different types of impetigo in puppies?

There are three classifications of puppy impetigo:

  • Surface Pyoderma - Typically mild and rare, this type of impetigo affects only the top layer of skin where there is no hair. 
  • Superficial Bacterial Folliculitis - This can also affect areas where hair covers the skin, as well as the folds of the skin. 
  • Deep Pyoderma - Reaches the deeper layers of tissue through a break in the skin, which may be caused by scratching. 

What are the symptoms of impetigo in puppies?

The most common clinical sign of impetigo is patchy hair loss, especially on a puppy's stomach.  Other signs of impetigo in young dogs include:

  • Areas of acne or rash 
  • Skin infection
  • Pus-filled, painful red bumps that may look like pimples
  • Itchy, circular, crusty lesions that look like hives (on certain breeds)
  • Dry patches of skin  
  • Lesions appearing on the abdomen, groin, and other areas with a lack of fur 
  • Secondary infections or health issues, like contact allergies or parasites
  • Depression 
  • Weight loss 

The infection may start as an itchy, red rash that can occur on any area on your puppy's body without hair. Your puppy will likely be mildly uncomfortable due to their itchy skin. In severe cases, this infection can cause pain. 

When a puppy scratches the areas infected by impetigo, the blisters easily break and can become painful if the infection is severe. Impetigo can potentially spread to other areas of a puppy's body, which can lead to hair loss, weight loss, and deep tissue infection. 

What causes a puppy to develop impetigo?

Though the cause of puppy impetigo is not well understood, it's believed that skin damage or a compromised endocrine or immune system may be to blame. When one of these systems is damaged, or under threat, bacteria grow out of control. Some common causes include:

  • Food allergy 
  • Compromised immune system 
  • Weakened endocrine system 
  • Insect bite 
  • Fleas
  • Urine scalding
  •  Mange

How is impetigo in puppies diagnosed?

Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam for your puppy and thoroughly check the skin and coat. They'll ask about your puppy's medical background, run some diagnostic tests, and order X-rays or other imaging tests. 

Bring a summary of your puppy's current health status, including:

  • Any recent illnesses or injuries
  • Abnormal appetite or behavior
  • Immunizations 
  • Any medications you've given your puppy (prescription or over-the-counter), that can affect the diagnosis
  • Overall health 

The veterinarian will likely collect a skin scraping so the tissue sample can be examined under a microscope, samples of the pus or fluid from blisters for cytological analysis, and direct impression smears of the lesions. 

A bacterial and fungal culture, complete blood count, chemical panel, urinalysis, and blood glucose level can help your vet rule out infection or other health conditions such as mite infestation.

How is impetigo in puppies treated?

If your puppy has been diagnosed with impetigo, the treatment may include creams, antibiotics, or shampoos. This will treat the infection. Further medication may be required if your puppy has a severe case of impetigo or if any underlying illnesses are identified. 


Your vet will likely recommend a systemic antibiotic such as cephalexin, clindamycin, or erythromycin for six to eight weeks. These can prevent impetigo from spreading and speed up your puppy's recovery. In some cases, more than one round of antibiotics may be needed due to resistant bacteria.

Topical Antibiotic Ointment

Topical antibiotic creams or ointments your veterinarian may prescribe include mupirocin, neomycin, and polymyxin. 

Medicated Shampoo

While many medicated shampoos can be used for this condition, your veterinarian may recommend one that's best for your dog. Some options include benzoyl peroxide, chlorhexidine, and ethyl lactate. Your vet will also provide instructions on how often you should use the shampoo, but it is typically once or twice weekly for a month. 

In some cases, a puppy's impetigo can clear up without treatment, especially if it's mild and the cause is related to factors such as an unclean environment from which a pup is then removed.

For example, after puppies with impetigo are rescued from one environment and placed with an adoptive owner who keeps the puppy's space clean and free of bacteria, the condition may resolve itself. 

However, by treating impetigo early, you'll prevent the negative effects this infection and secondary health issues can have on your puppy's long-term health. We recommend consulting your vet as soon as you notice signs of any infection or condition affecting your puppy's skin.

Can I prevent my puppy from developing impetigo?

To prevent your puppy from developing impetigo, you'll need to keep your four-legged companion's living area clean, bathe them regularly, address any underlying health issues they may have, and take proactive, preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection. Here are some specific steps you can take:

Bathe Your Dog Regularly

Use a mild shampoo made specifically for dogs to bathe your puppy regularly (every three or four months or so). This will help keep their skin clean and reduce the risk of bacterial infections. However, we recommend over-bathing, as it can dry out their skin. 

Ensure a Healthy Diet

A nutritious, balanced diet can help maintain your puppy's overall health as they grow, which in turn can help their immune system block infections. 

Ensure your dog's food offers a balanced mix of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Always provide fresh, clean water for your puppy – proper hydration is essential to their overall health. 

Keep Your Home Clean

Your puppy's bedding, food bowls, toys, and other living area items should be cleaned regularly. This will help prevent the accumulation of bacteria, which could lead to infections. 

Prevent Excessive Scratching

Discourage your puppy from scratching excessively, which can cause skin irritation and potentially lead to impetigo. If you notice your puppy scratching frequently, consult your vet to identify the underlying cause. 

Isolate Infected Dogs 

If you have multiple dogs and one develops impetigo, isolate the infected dog to their own area until they fully recover to prevent the infection from spreading to others. 

Administer Flea & Tick Prevention

Your veterinarian can recommend flea and tick preventatives to use regularly. These parasites can irritate your dog's skin and leave openings for bacteria to enter, so preventing fleas and ticks is crucial in reducing your puppy's risk of impetigo. 

When is it a cause for a vet visit?

If you suspect your puppy might have impetigo, you’ll need to take them to a vet to ensure their infection gets treated right away. Before making a diagnosis, your dog’s vet will need to rule out other infections, such as ringworm, mange, and scabies.

Impetigo in dogs is a treatable condition, and with proper care and treatment, most cases will clear up without any long-term complications.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your puppy showing signs of impetigo or any other skin condition? Contact our vets in Moreno Valley to schedule an exmaintion today.

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